Many families in Banjul are currently in limbo as they are heavily paying the price due to poorly-constructed roads and drainage system.
The main canal dug two years ago has begun pushing water into residences.
The Banjul City Council recently released a press statement, acknowledging that the main ring canal has malfunctioned, soaking residential areas especially on Tobacco Road in smelly water.
The Council however has urged relevant authorities to ask the contractor for the Banjul Roads Project, Gai Construction Enterprise to remedy the situation.
In an interview with The Alkamba Times, Tijan Jange, a resident of Banjul Imam Omar Sowe Avenue, stated that the Government and the Council should put aside their political differences and solve the failing drainage in the capital. He said both have a role to play in this situation for the pumping machine to be fully operational.
He however said government should also ask Gai Construction to come back and fix the problem since the company dug the gutter behind their compounds.
“For two weeks, we are not able to access our kitchen and tap due to flooding and the worst part is that the water smells and not even good to breathe from the surrounding,” he said.
Augustine Mendy, a resident of Ndangan, said heavy rains cause floods and water forces its way from the ocean into their rooms.
Sulayman Njie, another Banjulian, said it is quite disheartening seeing the situation of Banjul especially Tabacoo Road after $35.7 million is budgeted for the roads project.
“These are disappointing results from the Gai Company with the whole millions spent on this project; much efficiency should have been seen.”
Samboujang Drammeh, from Tabaco Road, urged the Gambia Government and NGOs to help them, narrating that some families in Banjul are not sleeping these days due to floods.