Fire devastates two homes in Nyakoi Kerewan, leaving foodstuffs in ruins

The aftermath of the unexpected overnight blaze

By Alieu Ceesay

The Saburu Kunda’s family home, a place of comfort and memories, was ravaged by an unexpected overnight blaze that quickly spread to two nearby houses in Nyakoi Kerewan, in the upper river region of the Gambia, leaving nothing but ruin in its wake as the flames mercilessly swept through the compound.

At midnight on April 1st, a neighbor watched in horror as a blaze consumed the home of Karamo ding Samburu, a beloved community member.

With two buildings and two stores on fire, the smell of smoke filled the air, grimly reminding everyone of the tragedy unfolding before their eyes.

“Fire burned down two (2) houses and two stores, which contain foodstuffs, seeds, cooking utensils, clothing, and other relevant properties,” an eye witness told TAT.

With resilience and determination in their hearts amidst pandemonium, Nyakoi Kerewan’s tight-knit group members came together to battle raging fires with unwavering unity. With each bucket of water thrown and every hand lent in assistance, Nyakoi’s resilience shone brightly against the backdrop of tragedy.

The arrival of Basse’s fire and rescue team brought renewed hope for exhausted villagers, who were surrounded by destruction as the day broke over burning remnants.

Their collective gratitude proved the strength of their bond and dedication to supporting one another in times of need.

As the sun slowly rose over the small village of Nyakoi Kerewan, the echoes of destruction from the previous night’s attack were overshadowed by the people’s resilience and unity.


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