Gambians in Germany protest the death of a Gambian migrant Lamin Touray

Protesters marching demanding justice for Late Lamin Touray

By Alieu Ceesay

Several Gambians, along with activists and migrants, convened in Germany’s Lower Saxony to protest and demand justice for Lamin Touray, a Gambian migrant fatally shot by German police officers.

“Today I am standing in front of you all as a black immigrant who lives maybe next to being brutally taken by German police officers,” declared Yaya Sonko, a migrant activist, echoing the sentiments of many protesters.

As calls for justice echoed, the frequency of such incidents raised concerns. Realistic data on the number of migrants killed by German police is not available. A series of tragic events was underscored, including the deaths of Aman Alizada, Mamadou Alpha Diallo, Qosay K., Kamal I., among others, all within recent years.

“At least three of these people – like Lamin – were in a state of mental distress at the time of their killings – as the police officers involved knew in each case,” Yaya emphasized, underscoring the urgent need for accountability and reform within law enforcement.

“We need to make sure that police stop using force against the law and that those who kill unlawfully are brought to account – no more excuses,” demanded the crowd, calling for an end to the cycle of brutality and cover-ups.

Protesters laid flowers and paying respect to the late Lamin Touray

Germany, recognized as a destination for numerous African migrants, is under international scrutiny amid the complex issues of migration. With African leaders struggling to create sufficient job opportunities for their populace, many individuals are compelled to migrate for economic reasons, and conversely, the lack of opportunities also drives migration.

“We commend the Gambia government for the steadfastness and support they continue to give to Lamin Touray’s family and the Gambian community in Germany,” the group said, expressing solidarity and a shared desire for justice, transparency, and accountability.

In a world where silence may be seen as complicity, the outcry in Lower Saxony stands as a stark reminder that collective action is crucial for the pursuit of justice and human rights. Lamin Touray, a 46-year-old man from Gambia, was fatally shot by the German Police amid an incident in Lower Saxony, Germany.


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