Former KMC Acting CEO escapes Prosecutions after apologizing to the Commission

Former KMC Acting CEO Jaja Cham

By Alieu Ceesay

The Local Government Commission of Inquiry Chairperson, Jainaba Bah, suspended the possible prosecution of Mr. Jaja Cham, the former acting Chief Executive Officer of Kanifing Municipal Council, on 14 November 2024 after Cham apologized for his conduct against the commission and its witness, Sarata Jaiteh. 

On Tuesday, 12 November 2024, Mr Cham was arrested and detained on the orders of the local government commission. He was accused of “verbally assaulting” Sarata Jaiteh, the assistant procurement officer of KMC, who appeared before the Commission and provided details about the purchase of spare parts for two controversial bulldozers at the Bakoteh dumpsite.

After giving her testimonial before the Commission, her statement did not go down well with the former acting CEO, who later allegedly assaulted her at her workplace at KMC, prompting the arrest and detention of Cham.

Cham and his counsel, Abdullah Fatty, both appeared before the local government commission on Thursday to make an oral application for the Commission to apply leniency and release him based on his remorse.

“I want to make it clear that I respect the work of this Commission, and I am also a witness to this Commission. I was the first witness for KMC, and I have appeared before this Commission more than Seven times,” Cham said

He continued,  “What happened lately was not my intention. I did not know that talking to someone witness would come out this way or that the Commission would see it as direct or indirect interference. I apologize for that sincerely. You will recall that I have provided a lot of evidence or information as requested unfailingly, and I have always reported earlier than any witnesses here.”

Lead Counsel Patrick Gomez did not oppose the application. He stated that Jaja Cham has been a helpful witness to the Commission.

After Cham concluded his plea, Chairperson Jainaba Bah stepped in to make her pronouncement.

“Having heard the application made by the counsel and the witness’s statement, I hereby vacate the order made on 12 November 2024. In the same vein, the referral for further investigation and possible prosecution to the IGP is also at this moment Suspended.”

The chairperson said, ” This is the Commission’s spirit, and we will not tolerate witnesses or people interfering with witnesses and the Commission’s work under any circumstances. People need to understand that this is a commission inquiry, and people appearing before the Commission should have a level of decorum and understand that it is set up by law.”

The commission lead, Counsel Patrick Gomez, said, “The idea that Mr. Cham is very useful to the Commission is true. He has been given evidence and is also helpful to the Commission. “We also urge the commission that we will not be averse to the application in the face of showing remorse.”


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