Two Senegalese Soldiers in Gambia Die in Clash with MFDC Rebels

salif Sadio, MFDC Leader

Security sources say an early morning clash in the Casamance border area, involving the Senegalese Ecomig forces and MFDC rebels, resulted in the death of two Senegalese soldiers and one rebel.

The village head of Kampant village, Modou Faal Bojang, said a truck loaded with logs of timber was chased into the Casamance, and “shortly after we heard gun fire in the border area”.

Senegalese media has also quoted a Senegalese army press release, which reported an incident during a security operation south of Bwiam in The Gambia, on Monday morning.

It said a military patrol came under fire from elements believed to belong to the MFDC, who were aboard a truck transporting timber.

During an the exchange of fire, two soldiers and a rebel were killed, and two rebels captured.

Meanwhile, reinforcements have been sent to the area and operations are continuing, according to the statement.

Senegalese forces stationed in the border area have in the past reportedly intercepted timber cut from the Casamance forest, and transported for export by businesspeople through Gambia.


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