ActionAid International The Gambia Appoints New Executive Director

Mrs Ndella Fye Colley

ActionAid International The Gambia appoints Mrs Ndella Fye Colley as its new Executive Director. She took over the leadership of the organisation from Mr Omar Badji who joined ActionAid in 1987 and rose through the ranks up to his appointment as Executive Director in 2014.

Ndella holds an MSc. in Development Planning and Management, BA in Development Studies and a Diploma in Gender and Development. She worked with the Department of Planning at the Ministry of Agriculture before joining other national and international organisations, and the UN System in the Gambia.

Madam Faye Colley first joined ActionAid The Gambia in November 2014 and served as Fundraising Manager for one year before moving to the rank of Head of Fundraising, Supporter Care and Communications Department. In March 2018, she left the organisation and joined the UN System.

“I feel deeply honoured for the opportunity given to me to provide strategic leadership and guidance to the great team of ActionAid International The Gambia. I am aware that I am coming to lead a highly dedicated team of professionals and as such, I will work to raise the bar higher as the foundation was already laid down by my predecessors” she said.

In her new role as the Executive Director of ActionAid International The Gambia, Ndella said that she will continue to strengthen the existing partnerships between AAITG and its partners both national, international, and community-based organisations, as well as explore new ones with non-traditional partners including the private sector and the diaspora community, to ensure greater impacts on the lives of people living in poverty, particularly women.

“With the support of the team, I look forward to strengthening our engagement with women, reinforcing their capacity, and empowering them to increase their participation in the development agenda. This of course will include the recognition of the rights and empowerment of girls and young women to enable them to fulfil their potential just like the boys” said Ndella.

She urged all AAITG staff at the head office in kanifing and those in ActionAid’s Local Rights Programmes (LRPs) in Niumi and Niamina, including sponsorship field assistants and partners to work together as a team and take AAITG to the next level.

She also said that she will use an open-door approach and promote collaboration to deliver on promises highlighted in ActionAid’s country strategy paper for the benefit of the organisation’s target groups.

“I would not let go of my role for accountability as captain of the AAITG ship to ensure that we account for our actions to the Board of Directors and partners of AAITG as required” she concludes.

Fafa O. Cham, the Head of Programmes and Policy for ActionAid The Gambia welcomed Mrs. Faye Colley to the ActionAid family. Cham said: “Our fifth Country Strategy Paper is ending this year and we are preparing to evaluate it and develop a new CSP. Therefore, it is going to be a very hectic period. Nevertheless, be rest assured of our unflinching support. We will work tirelessly to meet the target, and we will support you to move the organisation forward”. Fafa also thanked the outgoing Executive Director, Mr Omar Badji. He said that Badji’s leadership style has been exemplary. He described him as a very humble person who truly upholds ActionAid’s values.

Saidina Alieu Jarjou, AAITG’s Fundraising Manager also welcomed Mrs. Faye Colley. He said that even though he was not around when Ndella was the Fundraising Manager, he heard that she was very instrumental in securing funding from the EU, which led to many successful implementations of women empowerment projects. He also assured her of his support to push AAITG’s agenda, aimed at improving the lives and livelihoods of people living in poverty.

Ndella assumes office on 4th April 2023, and she is ActionAid Gambia’s eighth director since the establishment of the organisation in 1979.


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