Colin Barnes Discusses Football Development Initiatives in The Gambia


By Aja Beyai

On December 27, 2024, Unique Global organized a pivotal press interview with Colin Barnes, the Head of Recruitment at Crystal Palace FC, who is currently on a mission to enhance football development in The Gambia.

This interview was significant as it aimed to shed light on the upcoming ECA trial and scouting events, as well as a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) course tailored for coaches and scouts.

The football trials are set to take place at the Brikama Box Ba mini stadium on December 31, 2024, from 8 AM to 2 PM, and again on January 2, 2025, from 10 AM to 3 PM. These trials present an invaluable chance for young players across The Gambia to showcase their skills and potentially catch the eye of scouts from Crystal Palace FC.

In addition to the trials, the CPD course for coaches and scouts is scheduled for January 4, 2025, from 10 AM to 4 PM. This course will focus on the theme “Introducing England’s successful EPPP system” (Elite Player Performance Plan), which has been instrumental in developing young talent in England.

During the interview, Barnes shared his extensive experience in football coaching and talent recruitment, spanning over 25 years. He explained that assessing players goes beyond just their physical capabilities; it also involves evaluating their spirit.


He described this spirit as the winning mentality and determination that drives players to excel, especially in competitive environments. To illustrate his point, he introduced the concept of the “three sevens,” which focuses on evaluating how players interact with the ball, their movement on the field, and their overall spirit and attitude during play.

Barnes’s passion for Gambian football is evident as he expressed his commitment to helping the sport grow in the country. He pointed out that without proper infrastructure and facilities, the chances of success are significantly diminished.

 “you’ve not got infrastructure, you’ve not got facilities, you will not succeed.”

He lamented the decline of Father Goff’s facility, which he viewed as a missed opportunity for player development and a hub for nurturing talent. His insights highlight the pressing need for investment in football infrastructure to create an environment where young players can thrive.

As a strong advocate for local talent, Barnes aims to inspire young footballers in The Gambia. He understands the challenges they face but remains optimistic about the potential for growth and success.

He believes with the right environment and support provide Gambian players can compete at the highest levels. His dedication to the cause is unwavering, and he hopes to leave a lasting impact on the future of football in The Gambia.

The excitement surrounding the upcoming trials and CPD course reflects a growing interest in football development in the country. Barnes’s mission is not just about identifying talent; it’s about fostering a culture of excellence and resilience that can elevate the sport in The Gambia for years to come.


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