Demba Jallow Installed As OMVG High Commissioner


Gambia’s Demba Jallow on Friday assumed the new role as High Commissioner of the Gambia River Basin Development Organisation (OMVG) during a ceremony held at the organisation headquarter in Dakar, Senegal.

He took over the mantle of leadership from a Guinean counterpart and he is set to serve a mandate of four years, renewable once.

Shedding a light on his new responsibility, Demba Jallow confided to this medium that the High Commissioner contributes to defining the OMVG’s strategy and action plans, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Conference of Heads of State and Government, and the decisions and directives of the Council of Ministers.

He further stated that he is also tasked with the responsibility to manage this strategy by implementing the policies, programmes and budgets adopted by the Council of Ministers, in consultation with the committees provided for by the texts governing the OMVG.

Assisted by the Secretary General and four Directors, the High Commissioner, he went on, provides information to and consults with OMVG stakeholders for the optimal development and implementation of OMVG programmes in accordance with the milestones determined by Member States.

He then added that the High Commissioner represents the Organisation between two sessions of the Council of Ministers. “The decisions he takes are in compliance with the directives of the Council of Ministers and within the limits of the powers delegated to him.”

It could be recalled that Demba Jallow holds a dual Bachelor’s degrees in Economics & Mathematics and a Master’s Degree from St. Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada and University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, respectively. In addition, he also bagged training programs certificates in Energy pricing and regulation, USA, Project Management GIMPA, Ghana, amongst many other on the job training programs.

However, the greater part of his most productive career worked in the Energy Sector planning at home and abroad whilst employed as “Corporate Planning Manager” of National Water and Electricity Company – NAWEC (2009 -2017) of The Gambia.

From 209, the newly appointed OMVG High Commissioner Mr. Demba Jallow, served as regular expert in Council of Ministers meetings, before being promoted in 2018 to the post of Team Leader for OMVG Energy project in The Gambia. Subsequently, he later moved to OMVG Dakar office as Head of Division Studies and Planning where he rose to the rank of Director of Environment and sustainable Development of OMVG, a position he held successfully until his nomination by the Gambia as High Commissioner of OMVG


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