ECOWAS Immigration Chiefs Banjul Forum Discusses Abolishing the 90-day Stay Limit for ECOWAS Residents

Delegates at the Banjul forum

By Fatou Dahaba

The 8th Annual ECOWAS Heads of Immigration Forum is underway in Banjul. The top officials of subregional immigration are addressing critical issues surrounding the free movement of community citizens, challenges in migration governance, regional integration, and the role of immigration in fostering socio-economic development within and among ECOWAS states.

Ecowas heads of Immigration forum aims to ensure the free movement of persons, goods, and services across member states.

This year’s forum is themed “Acceleration of the Deployment of the ECOWAS National Biometric Identity Card (ENBIC) and the Abolishing of the 90-Day Stay Limit/Resident Permits for Community Citizens.”

Ebrima Mboob, Director General of The Gambia Immigration Department, emphasized that the forum serves as a crucial platform for member states to engage, deliberate, and collaborate on emerging mobility, border management, and migration issues.


Ebrima Mboob, Director General of The Gambia Immigration Department

He said, “As we continue this unity, we work towards overcoming the challenges associated with cross-border mobility while capitalizing on the opportunities it brings to the region’s growth.”

Mboob reiterated that the Gambia Immigration Department (GID) is deeply committed to ensuring the domestication and enforcement of the ECOWAS Free Movement Protocol, which underpins the rights of ECOWAS citizens to move freely, reside, and establish themselves where desired, without borders. “We have come a long way in implementing these regional obligations, and our progress in areas such as the issuance of biometric identification documents, border control, and mobility management stands as a testament to our collective dedication to agreements and policy decisions,” he added.

He further highlighted the government’s support for the deployment of the ECOWAS National Biometric Identity Card (ENBIC), which is not only about providing identification but also creating a seamless and secure mechanism for citizens to exercise their rights to free movement, access opportunities, and contribute to the region’s collective development.

Mboob noted that achieving full regional integration requires continued dedication, resources, resource mobilization, and a shared vision to improve the lives of ECOWAS citizens through free movement.

He also called attention to the push factors of migration affecting the subregion, such as economic challenges, climate change, and political and human rights issues, all needing durable solutions through immigration policies. He said, “Analysis of recent movements has recorded economic-led irregular migration, climate change-led migration, and political and human rights-led migration, a phenomenon triggering resilience for good governance and economic stability.”

Babucarr Boye, Minister of Public Service, emphasized that the ECOWAS biometric identity card is more than a document, describing it as a symbol of regional citizenship, where citizens can move freely, seek opportunities, and contribute to the region’s development.

He affirmed the Gambia’s commitment to accelerating the deployment of ENBIC and upholding the protocols for the free movement of persons, residents, and establishments.

“The government will always support GID in its mandate. For GID to fully comply with ECOWAS protocols, it must have the necessary tools, infrastructure, and skilled personnel. Therefore, the Ministry of Interior has prioritized investment in technology, capacity building, and modern innovations to ensure that the GID operates at the highest efficiency level,” he stated.

Boye noted one significant step: ‘the government’s commitment to ensuring visa-free entry for nationals of all ECOWAS member states in accordance with the spirit of regional cooperation and protocols.’

Mrs. Kemi Nanna Nandap, Controller General of Nigeria Immigration Service, highlighted that this year’s forum theme signifies the free movement of people envisioned in the 1975 ECOWAS Treaty and Protocols.

She reiterated the importance of upholding these agreements as a key element of regional integration.

“The 1975 protocol on the free movement of persons, rights of residents, and establishment was the first protocol to be ratified by member states.”

She asserted that the ECOWAS initiatives provided for the progressive implementation of the right to entry, residence, and establishment for community citizens within the region, which was completed in three phases within 15 years.
“For example, the right to entry and stay for up to 90 days, allowing ECOWAS citizens with valid travel documents to enter the territory of other ECOWAS states without visas and entry permits, was implemented.”


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