EFSCRJ Demands Environment Ministry Justify the De-reserving, De-gazetting, and Allocation of Forests and Parks

Environment Minister Rohey John Manjang

By Ousman Saidykhan

Edward Francis Small Centre for Rights and Justice (EFSCRJ) has expressed concerns over the de-reserving, de-gazetting, and allocation of Forests and Parks—actions they described as “growing threats and destruction” to the environment—and is demanding that the Ministry of Environment provide them with justifications for each of those decisions.

The environment minister told lawmakers last week that the government has de-gazetted 2.7 hectares—about 5%—of the Bijilo Forest Park and transferred it to the Gambia Tourism Board (GTB) for the construction of a “luxurious hotel.”

However, in a letter dated 20 December 2024, signed by the group’s executive director, Madi Jobarteh, and submitted to the ministry, EFSCRJ said the decision is illegal, arguing it violates domestic and international obligations and “severely” ignores the Gambia government’s fundamental obligations and commitments to the environment, sustainable development, and the country’s future.

“In this regard, we wish to demand full information as to the justifications for the de-reserving of this forest. In this request, we wish to find out if the community of Bijilo and other stakeholders in the environment sector have been adequately consulted to arrive at this decision,” said EFSCRJ in their letter, arguing the minister lacks the “absolute and unilateral decision to de-reserve our forests”.

The human rights organization has frowned at the government’s decision to de-gazette Nyanaberi Forest Park and Bijilo National Park, saying the decision is “arbitrary and unilateral, which severely undermines the preservation and protection of the environment, thereby threatening the lives and livelihoods of communities surrounding the forest, and its flora and fauna.”

Additionally, the EFSCRJ said they were shocked and deeply concerned about the ministry’s recent decision to allocate a part of the Salagi Forest Park to the Gambia-Angola China Holding Company (GACH) to use as a depot for basalt, observing that the forest had already suffered “huge encroachments” in the past, which it said has put the life and future of the forest at “great risk.”

This allocation has already attracted criticism from activists and environmentalists. The Gambia Environmental Alliance (GEA) described the move as a “blatant disregard” for key provisions of the Forest Act, undermining the principles of sustainable development.

“…we are therefore perplexed as to why you would approve the allocation of any portion of this forest to a business enterprise! We consider your decision to be illegal, irresponsible, and a direct attempt to destroy the Gambia’s forest cover and its benefits to our people and life in general,” said EFSCRJ.

Human rights activists also raised concerns about “gross inadequate enforcement of environment.” They said the environment ministry has created several institutions and regulatory bodies equipped with necessary public resources to “diligently and effectively” preserve and protect the environment.

According to them, the ministry and its satellite institutions and agencies are not “effectively, fully and consistently” enforcing the laws and regu. They urge the minister to make personal and institutional efforts and commitments to ensure the full implementation of environmental laws.  

“The evidence of this lies in the glaring and indiscriminate dumping in forest parks. We have found dumping not only in and around forests such as Monkey Park, Salagi, Nyambai, Kabafita, and Furuya forests, just to mention a few, but also there is widespread litter and dumping in our streets, beaches, and communities with perpetrators facing no consequences,” said the human rights group.

They are also “shocked and concerned” over the “widespread encroachment” of businesses on the environment, including in the Tanbi and Bund Road areas in Banjul, where structures were erected that threatened flora and fauna.

“At the Denton Bridge area and along the coastline in Banjul, there is unchecked sand mining and the building of structures, including a petrol station on the beach. These activities have severely affected mangroves and their attendant wildlife, as well as affecting the coastline and communities along the coast,” said EFSCRJ.

The organization said that preserving and protecting the environment is a fundamental human rights issue, and the Environment Ministry government has a constitutional obligation to respect, protect, and fulfill.

“For that matter, we submit this official letter to your office not only to express our concerns and objections to your decisions on the environment, which we consider illegal and detrimental to the national interest, but also to demand your response to this letter with the necessary legal explanations and justifications for your decisions and actions.

“Above all, we are writing to you to ask you to stop and reverse from the path of environmental destruction and rather position yourself on the path that has been constitutionally, legally, and institutionally carved out for you as a Minister and your Ministry for the preservation and protection of the environment,” it said.


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