Environmental groups & activists say Abuko Nature Reserve is under threat after the attempt to de-reserve it

Malmo Jr, Jobarteh and Saho

By Ousman Saidykhan

Barely 24 hours after the Government plans to de-reserve part of the Abuko nature reserve, a highly sought-after tourist attraction and ecological site, environmental groups, including prominent environmental activists, are raising the alarm, saying the site is under threat.

“We strongly oppose the Government’s decision to de-reserve parts of Abuko Nature Reserve for stadium development. This critical ecological site must be protected for future generations, not sacrificed for short-term projects,” The Gambia Environmental Alliance, a group of Environmental activists, said in a statement issued late Friday.

Meanwhile, a prominent Environmental activist, Omar Malmo Sambou, said there is no justification for attempting to de-reserve parts of Abuko Nature Reserve, adding that de-reserving any part speaks volumes of the Ministry of Environment’s “incompetence.”

“There is no justification for destroying a sensitive ecology that serves as habitat for 100s of wildlife species for a stadium. There are several places for that,” the Environmental activist told this medium. “Brufut Youths have a space for the stadium; why didn’t the Government help them build it? There are spaces in Kombo and beyond that are not protected parks.”

The Government says the Cabinet was set to discuss a presentation by the Minister of Lands, Regional Governments, and Religious Affairs on de-reserving parts of Abuko Nature Reserve.

The planned de-reservation sparked criticism, although it could see the country get a new stadium.

The Gambia has only one stadium, which is not fit to host international matches, forcing the Scorpions to play their home games outside the country.

“Why does the Government continue to attack our natural heritages for destruction? We can’t turn the country into a concrete jungle,” Malmo Jr. said. “Nature plays a better role in human and ecosystem health than any intended structure.”

According to The Standard, the cabinet discussion was held after a ministerial task force visited the area in July last year to assess community encouragement. However, it could not ascertain whether the task force advised the de-reservation.

“Abuko is the only existing nature reserve in KM. Any destruction of the park will be a betrayal of the nation by the regime. Barrow must listen to experts, not his niece, who does not know the environment.

“The existing edge effects on these sensitive ecologies is enough not to increase more harm to the ecosystems,” said the environmentalist. 

He said Gambians have to “collectively and collaboratively” work together to stop any such “destruction” from happening, as he believes watching the Cabinet destroy the park would be shameful for all patriotic citizens.

“We will stage a national protest against any form of nature destruction championed by those entrusted to protect our environment.”

The Government de-gazetted parts of Nyaniberi and Bijilo Forest Parks in 2023 for office buildings, hotels, and other uses, but the Gambia Environmental Alliance said that was not reasonable because it threatened the environment.

“The Barrow administration is bent on destroying the remainder of our natural environment due to greed and incompetence…”

“Rohey John, since her appointment as minister, all she has done is de-reserve parks reserved before she was born. It’s high time we confront her to protect our collective heritage, biodiversity, and sensitive ecologies,” said Malmo Jr.

Madi Jobarteh, another prominent human rights activist, cautioned the Government about the move to de-reserve the Abuka nature reserve.

“The idea of de-reserving any inch of Abuko Nature Reserve is indeed scandalous. It has no purpose or justification other than to serve selfish interests at the detriment of this country’s environment and future. Hamat Bah and all Cabinet members must be severely held accountable if they infringe on this precious reserve. Since 2017, this Government has been ravaging forests, wetlands, beaches, lands, and mangroves for only selfish reasons,” Jobarteh said.

Another Environmental Activist, Omar Saho, based in Seattle, Washington, expressed deep concern about the Government’s attempt to de-reserve the site.  

“The recent move by the Government to consider de-gazetting part of Abuko Nature Reserve does not make much difference to the ongoing environmental messes in that country. Let them de-gazette it and build the claim “STADIUM. “The stadium’s construction activity, traffic, and noise can add to the current stress that the park is experiencing.”

“Part of the problem, too, is the way we hold institutions accountable. The vast majority of people don’t, in fact, realize that with a unified voice and action, the protection of the country’s environmental resources will be respected by the very Government That is involved in destroying them. We need a new ethic and consciousness that connects development needs to sustainable conservation of remaining ecological resources. The Government must understand that a healthy ecosystem = healthy people, so it must treat all of Gambia’s protected areas and sensitive ecologies like it protects its salaries, per diem, job positions, and political interests.


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