Home Awards Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe Awarded GPM’s Prestigious Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities...

Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe Awarded GPM’s Prestigious Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Award 2023



This year, the Global Parliament of Mayors awarded the prestigious Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Award to Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe of Banjul, The Gambia. The award ceremony was part of the opening of the GPM Annual Summit 2023 hosted by Danela Arsovska, Mayor of Skopje, North Macedonia The dr. Benjamin Barber Award recognizes mayors for their outstanding contribution to further global urban governance and inspiring city leadership.

Mayor Lowe’s dynamic and innovative leadership as the Mayor of Banjul, has not only transformed the lives of her constituents but has also served as an inspiring example to mayors and city leaders worldwide. Her dedication to urban development, social progress, and sustainable initiatives is truly commendable. Her tireless efforts to improve the quality of life in Banjul and her relentless pursuit of positive change have not gone unnoticed.

In a world facing numerous challenges, Mayor Lowe’s leadership stands out as a beacon of hope and progress. Her commitment to addressing issues such as climate change, public health, education, and social inclusivity resonates deeply with the core values of the Global Parliament of Mayors. Her endeavors are setting a remarkable precedent for cities around the globe to follow.

Mayor Lowe stated “I wish to thank our host, my sister, Mayor Danela Arsovska, her team and the GPM secretariat  for a well-organized summit. I am going to dedicate this award to the residents of Banjul who trusted my leadership in the first place and agreed to work with me and voted me into office for a second term. I wish to thank you for watching me do my thing – day and night. I love what I do and I will continue to do my utmost best and even do better henceforth since I am aware now that someone is watching.”

The Global Parliament of Mayors created the award to honor outstanding actions or research on urban governance and contributions to advancing the roles and principles set out by the GPM. The award is named in memory of the founder of the GPM, Dr. Benjamin Barber, author of the book ‘If Mayors Ruled the World’ (2014), who continues to inspire Mayors from around the world.

The GPM Annual Summit gathers mayors from all over the world, strengthening the voice of cities and elevating city leadership. Mayors, city network leaders, and representatives of international organizations gathered in Skopje to convene on the topics of Democracy, Empowering Cities, Caring Cities, & The Power of Culture, reflecting on the pressing issues of the world.

Source: globalparliamentofmayors.org


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