Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe will receive African Woman of the Year 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya


A Pan-African magazine, The Voice news magazine and organizers of the Voice Achievers Award based in the Netherlands has bestowed on Lord Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe, the current seating Mayor of the capital of the Gambia, Banjul as “the African Woman of the Year 2024”.

The seasoned politician would be awarded this honour for her continued effort in supporting the government of the Gambia to deliver world class services for the betterment of her fellow citizens in Banjul and the country in general and beyond the shores of West Africa.

Organizers of the event said Mayor Lowe epitomizes hard work, commitment, dedication, intelligence, and servant leadership, as evident in the massive impact being recorded in the area of development of Banjul as a shining sample how best to revolutionized good governance accountable to the people.

Her unwavering allegiance and dedication to her country, The Gambia is unequalled and while receiving this award nomination, she informed the organisers that she is most humbled for the recognition and she dedicates the award to the good people of Banjul and the Gambia in general who makes her to work hard and they appreciate her contribution to see Gambia among the league of progressive countries in Africa.

This award will further highlight the growing recognition, influence and importance of the Gambia, not only to the region but the world at large. Some of the reasons why she was nominated and selected for this award includes the following; she is the serving Mayor of Banjul, the capital city of the Gambia; the President of the local elected women in Africa (REFELA); the Vice President of the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM); second Vice President of the United Democratic Party (UDP) in the Gambia; a board member of the Francis Edward Referred Hospital and the Chairperson of the Banjul Youth Diplomats.

Lord Mayor Lowe has accepted her nomination of The Voice Achievers Award as African Woman of the year 2024. Mayor Lowe will receive the prestigious “African Woman of the Year 2024 at a ceremony slated for 16th August 2024 at Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya.

In appreciation of her continued passion for women and youth empowerment, promotion of a sustainable Health Care delivery system, infrastructural development, skill acquisition for the citizens of Banjul in particular for women, children, less privileged, and advancing the good course of her people and the African continent at large, The Voice Achievers Award, the most prestigious African Award in Central Europe, will honour Her Lordship, Mayor Rohey Lowe in an African flavoured ceremony in Kenya.

This year’s event is a two day planned Kenyan Business Summit and The Voice Achievers Award. The first day is on 15th August 2024. The theme is- “Transforming Africa with the Diaspora for sustainable developments”.

The Voice Achievers Awards is established in the Netherlands and it has become a global event attended by hundreds of people, this year’s event attracted participants form very continent of the world.



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