By Ousman Saidykhan
The National Audit Office (NAO) of The Gambia held a press conference this morning to clarify its recent press release. The NAO stressed that its intent was not to restrict media coverage of audit reports but to address concerns over the publication of “inconclusive” audit information. The statement follows what the NAO described as recurring instances of media outlets disseminating unpublished or preliminary audit findings.
In its March 17 press release, the country’s Supreme Audit Institution expressed unease about “premature” media reports on audit findings that were either unpublished, at the queries stage, or in draft management letter form. The NAO did not mention any specific media outlet in its initial statement.
During the press conference, Binta Touray, the NAO’s communications specialist, elaborated: “As a result, we thought it important to mention that the press release was not meant to say the media should not publish audit reports. What we are saying, and I think it was clearly stated, is the issue of publishing inconclusive audit information.”
The original press release highlighted three specific audits that had sparked media discussions: the Special Audit of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) (2020-2023), which was forwarded to the Inspector General of Police for further investigation and has not yet been tabled at the National Assembly; the Financial Audit of the National Assembly Service (2022), currently at the preliminary query stage; and the Consolidated Financial Audit of the Government of The Gambia (GoTG) (2021 and 2022), which remains at the draft management letter phase.
Touray noted that public reactions, including comments from some media houses, prompted the need for clarification. “There have been instances where the preliminary queries—which are the first issues an auditor would notice as part of the audit fieldwork—were publicly shared and widely reposted,” she said.
She stressed that the purpose of an audit is to drive “improvements” and “audit impact,” which can only be achieved when findings are fully discussed and recommendations implemented—a process overseen by the National Assembly. “This is why we re-emphasized in the press release that whenever the audit cycle takes its full course, the audit reports will be duly published on NAO’s website, the official platform to access published audit reports,” Touray added.
Touray revealed that the NAO is actively engaging with the National Assembly, including the clerk’s office, to explore ways to accelerate the discussion of audit reports during parliamentary sittings. The clarification aims to ensure the public and media understand the NAO’s position as it continues its mandate to promote transparency and accountability in public financial management.