Police in Banjul announced late Friday evening that they are intensifying their investigations into the stabbing of a young Gambian auditor, who was violently attacked and robbed by armed criminals along the Senegambia area.
The police in statement said: “ With support from some genuine individuals, Police investigators recovered a bag from a street at Bakoteh containing a Gambian passport, Gambian national ID card, vaccination card, and GT Bank ATM card, all bearing the name of the deceased. Further probes led to the recovery of an envelope containing a notebook, air tickets and boarding pass at the Bakoteh football field, equally bearing the deceased’s name.
It is highly probable that, the suspects may be residing within the Bakoteh area and surroundings.’
They called on members of the public particularly people who reside in Bakoteh and surroundings to volunteer information that could be useful to apprehend the perpetrators behind the heinous crime.
Mr. Jarju who is in his mid twenties met his untimely death on Wednesday evening after he was violently attacked and stabbed by alleged Armed robbers along the Palma Rima Beach area.