Safiatou Joof Set to Launch Her Second Book: ‘The Words on War’ 


One of the Gambia’s finest female poets, Saffiatou Joof, after laughing at her maiden book ‘Under The Spell of Poetry “, is set to launch another poetry anthology this year, a two-hundred collection of fascinating poems titled “The words on war.”

The book, which centers on the liberation of Africa, is to lighten the Gambian literary landscape.

According to her, the book has themes such as corruption, regrets, black magic, prison, abortions, and other issues prevalent in society, which she seeks to address through poetry.

To Safiatou, Poetry is the only language that puts hearts together.

“Poetry is the only language that can connect hearts. In another way, it gives youths in the county hope. Nothing should stop you from trying, especially a talent that you naturally fall in love with,” the fast-growing poet said.

The book, written through African lenses and its issues, will be launched on the 4th of November at the Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara Conference Center.

However, pre-order sales began on the 6th of September to the 20th of October.


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