Statistician-General Announces 7000 Temp Jobs through GBoS for 2024 Population and Housing Census

Nyakassi Sanyang, Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) Statistician General

By: Kebba Ansu Manneh

The Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) will recruit at least 7,000 personnel for the 2024 Population and Housing Census.

Nyakassi Sanyang, Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) Statistician General, announced the agency’s plan to recruit at least 7000 data collectors and supervisors for the 2024 Population and Housing Census, which is expected to take place from May 25 to June 14, 2024.

In an exclusive interview with TAT, he stated that GBoS is fully prepared to conduct its first digital census since the country began conducting censuses on its shores in 1963.

He says the nationwide census is divided into housing and population segments. The former kicks off on May 25, while the latter begins on June 2024

GBOS Boss said the Census Night officially marks the beginning of 2024; the Population and Housing Census will kick off by Midnight of May 31 through June 1, while the recruitment of the data collectors and supervisors will also effectively begin on Friday, April 5, 2024.

He revealed that all the logistics and digital systems earmarked for a successful country-wide census are in place. He added that GBoS has also completed the systems’ testing and a pilot census to ensure that all the systems and applications operate according to the plans.

According to him, a mini-pilot census will be conducted again in the coming days to certify the effective operation of the various systems and applications for the 2024 Digital Population and Housing Census. He added that this pilot census is necessary to address any issues affecting the compilation and processing of data generated by these systems and applications.

Highlighting the array of activities in the pipeline for this year’s Housing and Population Census, Sanyang said the training of field workers will follow training of trainers at both the central and regional levels.

He cited the COVID-19 pandemic as a significant stumbling block in conducting the Population and Housing Census last year, disrupting the preparation. He added that organizing a successful digital census requires adequate preparation because of its complex nature, which differs from the manual system previously used in the country.

The Statistician-General hailed the support and cooperation of the Gambian Government and partners during this period while appealing to the populace to welcome census officials who are out to collect data to help the government in its development and social policies, programs, and projects.


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