TAT Editorial: It’s Our Second Anniversary, Happy TAT Anniversary!

Alieu Famara Sagnia, Chairman TAT Editorial Board

By: Alieu Famara Sagnia, Chairman TAT Editorial Board 

Today, we mark our second anniversary; today, 1st September, TAT is two years old. We are young compared to the others, perhaps the youngest.

Yes, as a Gambian online newspaper, we are among the most vibrant and dynamic online. At TAT, professionalism is our mantra!

And on this special day, we rededicate ourselves as members of the Fourth Estate to our goal to be the best online.

We prefer to be regarded as sober in pursuing our vocation, and we want to be discerning in what we publish and avoid sensationalism.

Writing is not easy, and running an online newspaper is difficult; it has its challenges. Yet our ambition is to be held in high esteem.

Anchored on the pillars of professionalism and good journalism and believing that experience and age bring wisdom and expertise, we are committed with and through this medium to play our path in building the New Gambia.

We desire to publish news and features that inform, educate, entertain, and enlighten our readers and followers;

Also, to provide access to the media and serve as a channel through which the vulnerable and marginalized can express themselves; that is, to serve as the voice of and as an outlet for the voiceless.

This is seen, for example, in our reports on villagers demanding to have their basic needs met, such as access to potable water.

Whatever anybody may say or feel about our product, it is you, the reader, who has the final say, and we take consolation from the many LIKES our stories and features online generate.

We take pleasure in providing reports highlighting achievers such as Gina Bass and Gambian athletes generally, including our football players, and our features on Gambian men and women doing great at home and abroad.

We also focus on investigative journalism because we are determined to unearth the truth, hold people accountable, and help stop impunity in our society and beyond.

That explains our dogged pursuit of the CBG story to unearth the truth, which is what we want to do.

Now, we will continue to contribute towards building strong institutions, preventing corruption and impunity in our country and Africa, in general.

However, it is incumbent on all concerned to make access to information possible, as required by the enabling Act, as this will make our task easier.

Today, we thank TAT readers and followers for liking our product and being faithful followers of TAT news and features.

We shall strive to continue to earn your trust and belief in us, which spurs us to want to be second to none in our vocation.

As we move on, we pray to the Almighty to continue to guide us and bless our work and to give us the strength to go on and to do good work;

In this era, when influencers use the media to peddle false and fake news, we pray to be discerning in what we publish and are constantly on the straight path. Amen

Happy TAT anniversary!


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