The driver for the ruling party lawmaker for Niamina West Constituency, Birom Sowe, has reportedly disappeared with the D2.5 million dalasi newly procured National Assembly luxurious Toyota Prado, sparking controversy. The incident occurred a few months ago, and there has been no trace of the driver and vehicle, a highly placed source within the National Assembly and the MP’s community told Alkamba Times.
In August 2023, despite the public outrage over purchasing a luxurious 2023 Toyota Prado model vehicle, MPs were handed the keys to the exotic cars at the National premises in Banjul.
Meanwhile, When TAT contacted the MP for comments, he refuted the allegations, describing them as ‘ False,’ but a colleague with knowledge of the issue confirmed that his colleague’s car had been missing for more than two months after the driver refused to return with the vehicle after an official engagement.
“Who gave you this false information? My car is not missing,” he told TAT when pressed to show evidence his official vehicle was not missing.
However, after asking further questions, the MP replied, “I told you I sent my driver. He will come back to me. I am also concerned that I sent my driver…”
Hon. Sowe won a by-election in 2020 under the NPP after the death of Opposition Gambia Democratic Party MP Demba Sowe.
Fifty-eight vehicles were procured at D2.5 million each, with the Gambia government paying half. Members are responsible for financing the remaining half of the car’s cost, over D1.2 million, from their salaries during their five tenures.
The controversial luxurious vehicle scheme has triggered a public outcry over the price of the vehicles that will be paid for by taxpayers. Considering the various challenges Gambians face, many believed the national assembly could procure a less expensive car (1 million) for NAMs that would not cost taxpayers much.