The Time is Never Right to do the Things You Want to Do…

MB Liegh

By: Momodou Bashirr Leigh 

The right time to do the things you want to do is NOW. As a leader and a motivational speaker, I have come to the realisation that hard work, discipline, luck and the list goes on are very important traits for success. But the sad thing is that all these things are not enough for success and life fulfilment.

Thus remember that your school grades are one of the most important markers of success in school — but in the real world, that number has less of an effect on life achievement or wealth.

Many people are stuck in their lives. They are scared to quit the job they hate or scared of starting that business idea they have. The most valuable advice I once got from a professor of mine was: “Modou, you can’t figure out everything before you start, you need to start and you will figure out the rest along the way. The most effective way to do something is to do it and not procrastinate or think if it will work or not, as the popular Nike slogan goes just do it”.

We will all be very successful, achieve our goals and do whatever we want once we understand that each and every day of our live is a learning curve — learning something new, exploring the world, making mistakes and learning from them.

We should not ever stop learning or seeking new knowledge, ideologies and most importantly, applying the knowledge that we have learnt. This is where our power lies.

It is only once we apply the knowledge we have, that we learn more and grow as humans and be able to do the impossibilities.

People are going to doubt you, but your focus should be on your ultimate end result which is your goal.

Mustapha Njie alias Taf is one of the most successful real estate developers in Africa. He started his business in The Gambia about 31 years ago. He made the difference with just little capital and/or a comprehensive plan of how he wants to carry out his business.

Similarly, Muhammed Jah of the Q-Group started his business with no business plan and today his business is worth millions of dollars.

The lesson is simple. You cannot wait to figure out everything before you start. Once you have an idea, whether you want to start a business or you want to study a program, go ahead and start now. You can´t figure out everything unless you start.

We cannot learn all the concepts, or ways of success. The only way we can be successful in something is to start and figure it out as we go.

About the Author

Momodou Bashirr Leigh is a Youth Leader, Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur, Business Consultant among many others.

Momodou holds a Masters degree in International Business Management from the University of Oulu, Finland.


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