The body of Kawsu Samba, 34, of Jambanjelly, residing in Wisconsin, USA, until his death, is scheduled to arrive in The Gambia on Monday for Burial, his family has announced.
The family further announced that the Firdaw and burial would occur on Monday in Jambanjelly at 1 pm (Gambian time).
Kawsu, 34, was killed during a disagreement with an MSI Auto customer. His family described the deceased as “kind, quiet, and hardworking.”
The suspect, a woman in the killing, has been arrested and charged with first-degree intentional homicide, local media in Madison, Wisconsin, reported.
According to police in Middleton, there was an altercation at the car dealership between Samba and the suspect over the purchase of a vehicle resulting in a deadly shooting. He moved to the United States in 2011.