GCA T10 Cricket league: Brikama United Cricket Club crown Champions


By Ousman G Darboe

The reigning champions of The Gambian cricket domestic league, Brikama United Cricket Club (BUCC), have yet again shown themselves as capable and ready for any achievements that come to their doorstep.

On Sunday, the Sateyba Boys were crowned champions of the Gambia Cricket Association’s T10 league 2023/2024 at the MRC oval in Fajara.

This came after they were able to win almost all their matches against their rivals, including Gambia Ports Authority Cricket Club, ComeAfrique Cricket Club, and Friend Warriors cricket team, among others.

Bubacarr Kuyateh, the Brikama United Cricket Club captain, associated their achievements with the unity, discipline, and determination the players have always had.

“It is not a surprise for us to be crowned champions; we have worked hard for this; it is because of our oneness, unity, respect for each other, determination, and dedication towards this noble game that is what is keeping us relevant and worthy of being the champions. Now we have nothing but to thank God for keeping us together up to this day and giving us strength to achieve this important mission,” Kuyateh told TAT Sports.

The league chairman and the first vice president of The Gambia Cricket Association, Sainy Badjie, also expressed his gratitude for the success his association has achieved since the start of the tournament.

Badjie, however, expressed some regret over teams that have not been regularly coming with a required number of players or not being available for matches, which he said could affect the scorecard of the Gambia at the ICC level.

Badjie pleaded for more support and partnership for the betterment of Gambian Cricket, most notably the support for the proper cricket facilities so that players and teams can have enough time to prepare ahead of any competition nationally or internationally.

Pa Yerro Sowe, the Press and Public Relations Officer of The Gambia Cricket Association, also spoke about the need for the media to cover cricket matches to promote the sport.

“We have not been getting Journalists coming onboard to cover our games, and cricket is unlike any other sport where someone can just sit in their studio or radio station and write about the game.
You have to have a clue about the game, how it is being played, the terminologies, and the rules of the game to at least be able to report accurately.” Sowe stated.

The league, which started on the 24th of June 2023, has accommodated nine teams who have played against each other without any problems among the teams; according to the organizers, it has ended with some going home with complete joy and others thinking about how to prepare themselves better for the upcoming tournament.

Brikama United Cricket Club (BUCC) went home with a trophy and twenty-five thousand dalasi (25,000); Friend Warriors, an Indian team, came second; took (15,000) ComeAfrique third position, were given ten thousand dalasi (10,000).


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