Police in Banjul on Saturday said they have arrested the alleged killers of Ousman Jarju, a young man, who was brutally murdered in cold blood by two suspects .
“ Following the alleged stabbing incident which resulted in the death of Ousman Jarju of Jalambang, Police have eventually arrested the principal suspect and his partners in crime.
Personnel of the Tourism Security Unit and Serekunda Taskforce conducted robust patrols around the vicinities of Palma Rima Beach and Bakoteh leading to the arrest of Hadim Jeng of Bakoteh 18 years old as the principal suspect in the murder of Ousman Jarju,” the Police said in statement issued.
Another suspect according to the police was also arrested:
‘Muhammed Njie who is equally alleged to have participated in the attack together with other suspects were equally nabbed and currently helping police with their investigations. In the same vein, Police Investigators have recovered the (knife) and other evidential materials allegedly used by the suspects in the commission of the crime,’.
Police said the duo have been charged with murder contrary to section 187 of the Criminal Code Vol III Laws of The Gambia 2009 and will be arraigned before the court as soon as possible.