Meet Essa Bah, Founder and Owner of SB Poultry Farm and a passionate agriculturist at his farm in Jambur Village. The engineer who lived in Germany for decades is back home with a plan to make a difference in the Agri-business sector.
The Poultry Farmer now employs 6 People including a distribution chain, which runs local supplies and marketing. Unlike many farmers buying feed from Senegal, Mr Bah prefers local chicken feed producers.
‘In the beginning, this tends to affect growth because of our limited and expensive chicken feed market but I have developed a great relationship with suppliers and this enables me to access adequate feed locally when I need it’ Mr Bah remarks as he takes Alkamba Times around the poultry farm.
Food production is expected to soar to 70% by 2050 to meet global needs and a huge chunk of that supply could be coming from Poultry Productions providing the worlds largest source of protein.
But small holder productions supplying local market needs require support to expand competitiveness, infrastructure and viable linkages.
‘I am divesting completely into poultry farming and just one year has delivered great results’ a beaming and happy Farmer told me with a look that credits the current prospects driving growth in the agribusiness chain.