Two persons died on the spot Thursday in a car accident on the road between Kerewan Badala and Nyakoi Taibatu in the Upper River Region.
The private car involved was coming from the Kombos and heading to Bajakunda, and was carrying five people, two men and a lady with her two children.
The lady identified as Isa Samusa, who died with a female child. The other child was said to be in a critical condition, and was referred to Bansang Hospital along with the driver and his brother.
An eye-witness, Mawdo Sissawo of Sutukoba, said the cause is over speeding, and that the driver lost control of the vehicle.
This was the second accident occurring at the same spot within a week; since an earlier one claimed several lives and many other people were injured.
The police are urging people, particularly drivers to always drive carefully, and know that they are carrying lives, including their own.
Meanwhile, the people living around the area say accidents are frequent there, and that over the years many lives were lost.
On Thursday 28th of October 2021, a Gelegele 17-passenger vehicle, travelling to Mauritania, got involved in an accident at the same place, with five dead, and many in critical condition.
The casualties were referred to Bansang and the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul.