The Gambia police force has announced the launch of investigations into the conduct of two of PIU officers from the paramilitary unit after an online video emerged late Tuesday showing officers celebrating cracking down on opposition supporters who gathered at the UDP leader’s residence on Monday.
The video that went viral barely 24 hours after its posting online has generated angry reactions from Gambians who are demanding immediate probes into the conduct of PIU officers.
“The police management is aware of the video and have commenced an investigation into the conduct of the officers through the human rights and professional standards unit… appropriate actions will follow in due course,” Police spokesman, ASP lamin NJIE told Alkamba Times Wednesday afternoon.
One of officers implicated in the video was heard saying ‘we are very happy today man… you can see gases flooding everywhere and we need more’
His statement outlines events on Monday and reaction by the police intervention unit, which teargassed crowds across main city centres in the metropolis to disperse scores of people who blocked roads to protest dissatisfaction with elections that ended with the incumbent winning more than 50 percent of the vote.