Pa Dembo Touray, the former Gambia national team goalkeeper who has made 25 appearances for the scorpions between 2005 – 2014 have commended the Gambia’s performance in the AFCON.
Speaking with the Alkamba Times, the former captain said that the team is performing well.
“We are not losing, we are picking up points which is very important” Touray said.
When asked about his opinion on coach Tom’s approach, Touray said Tom got the tools but doesn’t know how to use them.
“The coach is defensive-minded, he is a bit scared, he doesn’t like to lose, but sometimes you have to take the risk and open up and play. He got the tools, the boys are there they can play, they can score”.
“But that’s his style, that’s what took him to the AFCON and they are still playing. I think the more the boys are playing the more the system will change. So long the results are coming, I don’t have much to say”, Touray said.
Pa Dembo Touray’s name remains familiar in Gambian football, the tall lanky goalkeeper was once a commander from the last line of defence where he commanded the team as a captain.