Africa needs a new chapter in its political dispensation

Dr. Alhagi Manta Drammeh

By: Prof. Alhagi Manta Drammeh (PGCerthe, FHEA, FRSA, UK)

As the world is witnessing carnage, turmoil, wars and destruction, Africa should open a new chapter amidst these unprecedented geopolitical realities from Sudan and Somalia to Mali and Niger. Learning from history, wars would end up by silencing guns for negotiation and diplomacy to take their course. In a war, there is no winner, but all are losers because of the sheer loss of lives and property.

The sources of instability in Africa can be attributed to internal, regional and international factors. Internally, it is unfortunate that many governments fail to adhere to values of good governance and the rule of law. The Continent witnesses a wide range of corruption and mismanagement of funds and resources. Many sons and daughters of the continent  in the diaspora are willing to invest in Africa with their knowledge and money but are disappointed with the realities on the ground. The continent experiences a degree of favouritism, nepotism and tribalism which are definitely hindering any meaningful development on all the fronts. Above all, the inequitable distribution of resources creates societal disharmony and tension leading to rebellion and coups as we have seen recently in some countries in West Africa. Therefore, I believe that the piece by Honourable counsel Mr. Musa Bah about the call by the President of Islamic Supreme Council of Mali to a national dialogue is really appropriate and timely. In this way, grievances of the people can be addressed and redressed. Otherwise, people will take the law into their own hands. This is exactly what led to armed rebellion and resistance in Mali and Democratic Republic of Congo among others.

Regionally, there are forces of cross-border criminality fuelled by lawlessness, despair and poverty. Criminality of such can thrive in failed and unstable countries where people are poor and hungry. Those vulnerabilities can easily make disenfranchised people susceptible to criminality and rebellion as happened in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Internationally, one can say there is a new scramble for Africa where big powers are looking for a foothold to strengthen their presence in the continent on one hand, but also to be in a better place to exploit its abundant natural resources on the other. Others are making predictions and contemplations that the future of global trade is Africa!  is this Arican Renaissance?

Whatever the case maybe, Africa should make its house in good order. Africans should say no to the endless and senseless conflicts.  Sudan which can feed the whole of the Arab world is on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe and famine, as a result of the confrontation between two generals who should be in the military barracks. There is a glimmer of hope on the horizon as in Rwanda that he stood up from the ashes of genocide and ethnic cleansing. We hope that the insurgence in the Casamance region of Senegal will come to an end with the new Government of His Excellency President Bassirou Faye. I take this opportunity to salute Senegal for sending a satellite to the space. This is pride for all Africans.


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