Episode 9:  The Preparation Moments

Safiyah Joof, Poet
Peom by: Saffiyah Joof
This is the wake-up call, the trumpet was blown, the commander in chief of the soldiers paraded fashionable and colorful. 
But everyone could sense the calm atmosphere, as the wind blow and the rivers flow, waves were so high that morning, the bird’s chimney on the shores, the green land views from the sky. The commander in chief steps aside. The chief battalions line up, they make a salute and place their hands on their chest to pay their last moments but hope to be back. Their canoes were all loaded with some dangerous projectiles and had never gone for a war that they don’t ensure a good finish. In their backs with some light foods and a bottle of water. There is some medical expert among them etc.
Leading the war that the brothers believe was worthy. Karim got prepared by the beautiful wife-to-be, whose love for him superseded and busted into tears, the last farewell centered on love, fear or never to return with a strong kiss that almost makes the duos lose sight of their eyes. It was the deepest pain that could ever be received. Karim remains to be the man of his words, he whispers into her ears, ” I was never lucky to break your walls and give you my replica, but I will be in your dreams as a spirit with a smile on his face”. “For thee never bestowed man what he can’t take”, Karim said. His faith got stronger, he took the deepest breathe ever recorded in his life. 
A breath of his mother could not be seen, anointed he becomes more furious and blamed his wicked father to whom he believes has spoiled the land of peace, progress, and endowment. But karim look at himself into the mirror of the room and saw a reflection of a tall woman behind him, standing with her cross legs very beautiful, tears running down to her cheeks and she said, “maybe today I will tell you who’s your mother so that I can sleep with your memorial remains. Maybe, the very best young useless maid could be your mother, maybe we could be governed by someone else. And I can’t punish you either because your mother is standing right in front of you. Karim kneels with his uniform and they make big emotional tears that are a rare opportunity and rise with a thoughtful bend that the war is already theirs because he never felt the same again. He was speechless and gave the two hands to his mother and said, ” thank you for protecting your boy”. “Ebou was the boy that your father banished from the land and you two are siblings, and it could be out of touch and misinformation that leads to this war that I dream to be full of bloodshed”, his mother paused.  
In the valley of the bush, Karim’s brother is with men that thoughtless about the next life. There are rumors that they are pirate fighters that do not spear any neighboring land. They kidnapped and hijack other boats in the ocean and some claim, this is the dreadful power that they possess. These are thousands of men who enjoy being in the darker forest training and developing themselves. And are finally found by their brokers, whom they hijack his vessels and their leader calls them upon war or they would attack the bushmen. Ebou believes that his father is not good but the village people deserved a better ruler.
This is where the spike of words begins,
Wet sweaters drew from bush cotton that grows within their limits. These are whole wild people consists of abuse drugs and believe in so much power.  “Thee shall not punish me twice to fail this war I harsh and thought it would be last,” Ebou said. As he bites his lips with less knowledge of him realizing that it’s his blood brother. Looking upfront if the enemy within was in prison, one special trustee of karim went to visit the prison of the land but have find out that the within had already broken the prison cells and had flown the scenes. His suffering sleeves are yet to be found. They don’t know that he was part of the paraded armies dressed properly like one of them. The messenger didn’t inform karim with the presume mind that he might build around when fighting. 
Finally, the men make their last prayers and start the engine of the boat. No such thing as fatigue, or fever because these are two quality men of the same blood and it would be of greatest interest if their fight got ceased. But the fight would be taken on a specific space of the Atlantic ocean with the least expectation of either winning or losing. 
Karim, in his voice, continues to give pressure to the men in uniforms, 
” We are removing our blood for the land, to give a better life to our families, we can’t be with horns that would ring us with fear, our kingdom never frights neither being shaken by our enemies. The frog never jumps for empty interests and promises, I am here as a slave for my grandchildren, our names would be written in the history books as men that would pay dividends. A liberation that would curse no burns and that you fight without regrets and hit the enemy for there is less dump in fighting”. He hit the rims of the metal bar at the handle of the canoe and shouted acceleration, as the boat knocked up the waves with no shadow of men remaining on the ground, they all responded, “Yes sir! ” On their usual intake of strength and motivation. 
#Nakala #The Alkamba Times 
#To be continued in Episode 10.


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