Is Gambia’s Traffic Becoming a Death Trap?

Car Crash

By Mafugi Ceesay

Roads in the Gambia have become a death trap for commuters, road users, and passengers in the small West African nation.

Within one month, road accidents have claimed the lives of more than 30 people in the country.

The most recent accident occurred on Wednesday 20th April, between Killy and Kabakorr in Foni in the West Coast Region, involving a truck and a “gele gele”.

This accident claimed eight lives on the spot, and police immediately opened an investigation.

Meanwhile, preliminary reports revealed that both vehicles were swerving to avoid an animal crossing the road, leading to a collision.

Over the past five years, The Gambia witnessed a surge in the number of fatal road accidents, which many attributes to careless and reckless driving.

The rate of road accidents is worrying to many people, and Superintendent Njie has called on drivers to exercise due care at all times.

In The Gambia, on average, 115 people die annually from road traffic accidents.

Police accident statistics show that more than 750 road accidents occurred annually, and in addition to deaths, about 169 people sustained serious injuries each year.

The Gambia is ranked fourth in the world when it comes to road traffic accidents and deaths.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018, Road Traffic Accidents and Deaths in the Gambia reached 657 or 4.72% of total deaths.


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