Students at Everett College protest Israeli actions in Gaza and call for a ceasefire

Protesters march through the College demanding ceasefire and end to war in Gaza

Amid worldwide condemnation of Israel’s operations in Gaza, students from Everett Community College and Washington State University, Everett Campus in Washington State have added their voices to the calls for an immediate ceasefire to halt the loss of innocent lives and destruction in Palestine. These protests highlight an increasing sense of solidarity with the Palestinian people, especially the women and children who are affected by the conflict.

As the violence in Gaza intensifies, it is imperative that the international community heeds the calls for justice. The protest on campus today delivers a resounding message to the authorities: take action and halt the conflict in Gaza. They paraded across the campus, voicing pro-Palestine slogans and calling for the cessation of the conflict.

Lilyana Salazar, one of the lead organizers of the protest, was at the forefront of the demonstration and said protest transcends political boundaries, asserting, “This is not about politics or religion; it’s about standing against genocide and the loss of innocent lives wherever it occurs.” 

Salazar called upon the US government to unequivocally support the Palestinian people, emphasizing the importance of upholding democratic values and principles of human rights.

Danah Marouf, one of the organizers and students of Everett College, echoed similar sentiments. She expressed concern over the scale of the crisis but underscored the significance of collective action. “We may be a small group, but our message resonates,” she affirmed, highlighting the impact of symbolic gestures such as displaying stickers and chanting slogans in solidarity with Palestine. 

Danah Marouf, one of the organizers and students at Everett College, talks to TAT Editor Sainey Marenah.

The protests are occurring against a backdrop of rising tensions in the area, accompanied by reports of extensive destruction and civilian casualties in Gaza. The international community’s attempts to negotiate a ceasefire have achieved limited success, intensifying demands for prompt intervention to stop the violence and establish a foundation for enduring peace in the region.


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