UTG Journalism Students Hold Advocacy About Negative Consequences of Premarital Sex

Journalism students at their premarital Sex advocacy session

Journalism students from the University of The Gambia School of Journalism and Digital Media on Thursday organized an advocacy campaign to raise awareness about the negative consequences of premarital sex.

Premarital sex is sexual activities before marriage. While the vast majority of young people aspire to a successful marriage someday, single life is often painted as a time for sexual experimentation.

Against this backdrop, the 2nd-year students of the Development Communication Course of the School of Journalism and Digital Media (SJDM) of the University of The Gambia for the 2023/2024 Academic Year embarked on advocacy at Latrikunda Sabiji Senior Secondary School and Kanifing Senior Secondary School, respectively, to sensitize students on this societal menace.

It forms part of their academic assignment by Lecturer and Dean of SJDM, Dr Adenkule.  

The objectives of this advocacy are to help raise awareness and understanding of school-going students about the negative consequences of premarital sex, influence students to stay away from it, no matter the financial benefits it comes with, and encourage them to serve as advocates to other friends.

“We adopted an interpersonal communication method to discuss with the students about the effects and preventions of premarital sex. We also printed T-shirts and banners bearing “Say No To Premarital Sex to send our message across,” said Rohey Ngum, Rabbi Sinyan, and Fatoumatta Sankareh, all students of SJDM.

At Latrikunda Sabiji Senior Secondary School and Kanifing Senior Secondary School, Grades 10, 11, and 12 students converged in classrooms and outdoors for the advocacy exercise.

Students and school authorities, such as Mr. Gomez, the Vice Principal of the Latrikunda Senior School, and Mr. Ceesay, a teacher at Kanifing Senior School, welcomed the Group to the School and thanked them for choosing their schools for such an academic exercise. They encouraged the students to make the best use of the knowledge gained.

Alieu Ceesay, a group member, thanked the schools’ authorities for accepting their request to engage with the students. One at a time, Aji Kumba Bah, Amienata Sabally, and Fatou Sannoh, respectively, took the floor to share with the students the negative consequences of premarital sex, such as contracting diseases, having unwanted pregnancies and disruption to their education.

They advised the students to avoid bad friends and other influencers that could tempt them into premarital sex.

This interactive session allowed students to share their experiences, ask questions, and make suggestions.

Excited by the discussions, the students, including the head girl of Kanifing Senior School, Rabiatou Bah, said the engagement had increased their knowledge and changed their perceptions. They promised to focus on their education.  

The engagement indicates that many engage in premarital sex for monetary and material gains and sexual curiosity, among others.

The Group is recommending seminars and community outreach where parents are invited and educated about the importance of having sex talks with their children to guide them better.


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