3 Heads of State, Commonwealth S.G., & others to attend the Janjanbureh Bicentenary Commemoration

Hamat Bah, Minister of Tourism

By: Kebba Ansu Manneh

Hamat N.K Bah, Minister of Tourism and Culture, has confirmed the attendance of three Heads of State, the Commonwealth Secretary General, and other important and distinguished regional and global personalities, who are all expected to grace the Janjanbureh Bicentenary commemoration slated for the 4th to 7th January 2024.

He made this revelation at a press conference organized by the National Organizing Committee (NOC) of the Janjanbureh Bicentenary Commemoration on Thursday, 7th December 2023, at the Gambia Tourism and Hospitality Institute (GTHI), where he said a symposium, cultural entertainment, visit to historical sites among others will characterize the four days event.

According to him, the purpose of the commemoration is to reflect and celebrate the return of enslaved people to the settlement of Janjanbureh in 1823, precisely two hundred years, noting that to this effect, a National Organizing Committee has been set up to oversee the organization of the commemoration that is slated for 4-7th January 2024.

Minister continues to disclose that the Government of The Gambia has approved the event’s commemoration and has engaged partners towards its success, adding that heads of state, Commonwealth Secretary General, and other influential personalities will grace the event in Janjanbureh.

“Sierra Leone has confirmed, Guinea Bissau has confirmed Liberia, and we are only waiting for the leadership change. Senegal has confirmed it, as well as one or two other countries. The Commonwealth Secretary General and two others have also confirmed their coming,” Tourism Minister Hamat N.K. Bah revealed names of countries whose Presidents are expected to attend the Janjanbureh Bicentenary Commemoration.


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