ECOMIG, GAF Begins Breast Cancer Campaign; Calls for Continuous Screening


By Fatou Dahaba

The ECOWAS Mission in The Gambia (ECOMIG), in partnership with the Gambia Defence and Security Forces, began a breast cancer awareness campaign at the School of Nursing in Banjul on Friday, October 4th, to observe this year’s pink October.

The day begins with a March pass from the Memorial Arch to the School of Nursing to amplify global efforts to raise awareness of Breast Cancer and improve public awareness regarding this deadly disease.

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women, after skin cancer, worldwide.

Miatta French, ECOWAS Resident  Representative, highlights that despite their emphasis on peacekeeping,  the ECOMIG Mission acknowledges that genuine peace is not solely the absence of conflict but also the presence of health, dignity, and equal opportunities for all.

She added that this campaign is consistent with our overarching objectives of ensuring the welfare of our soldiers, the personnel of our sister security forces, the communities we serve, and their loved ones.

She disclosed that in The Gambia, breast cancer is the second most prevalent form of cancer, with a mortality rate exceeding 50% as of 2020, and all-age prevalence stands at 11.25 per 100,000 population.

“It is crucial to implement comprehensive awareness campaigns to address the adverse attitudes towards breast cancer screening and treatment if we are to make any headway in our fight against the scourge.”

Madam French reiterated their roles as peacekeepers and ambassadors of change to not only maintain peace but also to advocate for improved access to healthcare and education on critical issues such as breast cancer.

‘To those who are presently undergoing treatment for breast cancer, we stand with you. We should be mindful of our health, provide assistance to those in need, and positively impact the world by ensuring that health equity and care are accessible to all.’

Despite its higher risk, lives can be saved with timely and better screening, increased awareness, early diagnosis, and continuous improvement of treatment options. Breast cancer is easier to treat at earlier stages, and mammogram screening tests can help find it.

Major Eunice Holman said the ECOMIG Pink October celebration in The Gambia raises awareness about Breast Cancer. ‘The initiative reminds people of the importance of early detection, regular screenings, and access to adequate healthcare.’


“Breast cancer does not only affect women, but it also affects men. It is interesting to note that about 0.5-1% of the male population is also at risk of contracting breast cancer. These statistics suggest that one out of every 100 males in this auditorium is at risk of contracting breast cancer, and that could be you.”

She said, ‘We must come together to show our support and solidarity with those fighting this battle and raise awareness about the importance of preventive measures and early detection.’

Captain  Dr. AS Sule, Regimental medical officer NIGCOY  9 (Nigerian Contingent), gives breast cancer awareness lectures on how women can screen themselves without going to the hospital and quickly report any abnormalities in the breast or under the armpit.

Breast cancer is a malignant (cancerous) tumor that starts from the cells of the breast.


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