Gambia’s Exclusive Breastfeeding Rate Increases From 48% to 54% in 2019/20


By Fatou Dahaba

Malang Fofana, Acting Executive Director of the National Nutrition Agency (NANA), said that The Gambia’s exclusive breastfeeding rates for the first six months have steadily increased.

According to the DHS, he said the exclusive breastfeeding rate increased from 48% in 2013 to 54% in 2019/20; this has been realized through collaboration between government agencies, ministries, and departments with developed partners.

“However, more support is still needed to promote, protect, and support optimal and young child nutrition in order to meet the 60% target set out in the National Nutrition Policy 2021-2025 and the Global Nutrition Target of 70% by 2030 set by the World Health Assembly (WHA). It is gratifying to note that the Gambia has already exceeded the Global Nutrition Target of increasing exclusive breastfeeding to 50% by 2025.”

He made these remarks during a press conference commemorating World Breastfeeding Week, held annually from August 1st to August 7th.

Mr. Fofana reiterated that the World Breastfeeding Week initiative promotes exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life. He said it has many health benefits, including providing vital nutrients, protecting infants from fatal diseases like pneumonia, reducing food insecurity, and fostering bonding, love, growth, and development.

“In almost all difficult situations, breastfeeding is still the recommended method of infant feeding. To reduce breastfeeding inequalities, no
One must be left behind, especially women who are more vulnerable and may require additional support.”

To provide a platform for optimal infant and young child feeding, the Gambia has developed policies, strategies, and programs to protect and support exclusive breastfeeding and optimal infant and young child feeding practices, such as the national nutrition policy (2021-2025) and the breastfeeding promotion regulations 2006, among others.

The achievements realized in promoting exclusive breastfeeding were further enhanced by the Women’s Act 2010, which provided working mothers six months of paid maternity leave and other equivalent social benefits without compromising their employment, seniority, or similar benefits.

Dr. Yulia Widiiati, the UNICEF country representative, said despite the known benefits, millions of children around the world continue to not be exclusively breastfed in their first six months of life, putting them at increased risk of illness, death, reduced learning potential, and health complications into adulthood.

“The Gambia is among the few countries that have achieved significant progress in exclusive breastfeeding, with 54% of children exclusively breastfed in 2019. The country is on course to achieve the 2025 global nutrition target of increasing the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months to at least 50%. While this is a significant improvement, many women across the country face barriers, such as harmful marketing practices, lack of access to quality healthcare, and weak family-friendly policies, when making infant feeding decisions. “

Despite Gambia making significant progress in meeting the global targets, UNICEF called on the Government of The Gambia to Ensure investments in breastfeeding by creating national line budgets to strengthen practices, policies, and programs. Ensure that at-risk mothers and infants, those in underrepresented communities, and those in emergencies receive equitable provision of breastfeeding protection and support to address their unique needs adequately. Provide skilled breastfeeding counseling to all mothers as part of routine health coverage, strengthen health facility monitoring of counseling, and integrate com questions in nationally representative surveys, among others.

Sanjaly Trawalleh, Deputy Director of Health Promotion and Education under the Ministry of Health, implored employers to give breastfeeding mothers opportunities and time as it is a human right.

He said their advocacy message is for every child to have access to breastfeeding, as it is not only healthy for mothers but also protects children from sickness and helps them grow, especially within the first six months after birth.


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