Kalagi women raise their voices against GBV, pledge to abandon the practice of FGM 

NGBV engaging women in Kalagi on Gender Based-Violence campaign

By Fatou Dahaba

The Network Against Gender-Based Violence ((NGBV)), 16 Days of Activism caravan, continued its mission to combat Gender-Based Violence (GBV) on the third day in Foni Kalagi, WCR, where the ‘Kanyilang’ women gathered at the chief’s house to express their voices and concerns.

Through powerful speeches and poignant discussions, the women highlighted the harsh realities of gender-based violence (GBV), including cases of rape, female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, and cultural norms that pose stigma and discrimination against women and girls in their communities.

Fatima Jarju, an advocate against gender-based violence (GBV) among the caravan group at the event, courageously spoke out about the issue of rape, highlighting the alarming case of a 6-month-old baby who had been assaulted. She called for an end to the silence surrounding rape incidents in The Gambia. She emphasized the necessity of starting conversations and reporting these heinous acts.

She urged the women’s group to educate their daughters, inform them about surrounding issues, and avoid concealing evidence when crimes occur.

She also urged them to avoid early marriage, which has hindered so many girls’ Education and blocked their potential to reach their career goals. She urged them to desist from such acts that are against the laws, noting that laws are in place and must be respected.

Fatou Sanyang, a resident of Kalagi, mentioned that while she is unsure about other communities, the women of Kalagi have stopped practicing the culture after realizing its health implications for women and young girls.

“At  Foni Kalagi, FGM has stopped. We are not practicing FGM anymore, so we were not aware, but now that we understand the dangers involved, we are not accepting it. And if we see or hear anyone doing this, we will report you to the authorities; we’ve made that promise ourselves.”

Additionally, she added, “Education is very important because our children that we sent to school would come back to tell us the negative effects of the practice, and they learned it from school. So, we have decided to stop.”

Suturing Manjang also added her voice to the discussions, outlining how girls struggle to be unsettled during the first days of their marriage.

“You have no idea what a young girl is experiencing in her marriage, especially if she chooses not to speak about it. It’s a harsh reality that many overlook, and we need to bring attention to these issues to truly grasp their impact,” she stated.

She advises parents not to prioritize money and marry off their daughters before they turn 18, as this is illegal and can negatively impact the child’s Education.

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence begins on November 25th to December 10th every year and is a moment of reflection, action, and, most importantly, commitment to ending the violence that too many individuals, particularly women and girls, face every single day.


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