The King Speech,
“We are the trait,
The flesh of their bone,
The ancestry spirit of our art is portrayed.
We cried hard for freedom,
But mentally enslaved”.
“We were the kings,
Sailing our children in exchange for means”.
“We concord many townlets,
We wounded numerous soldiers,
We scatter stones,
And we never run from war,
But come down to our people to search for choice”.
“When the moonlight comes in a distance,
We regretted our act with dismay”.
“In the manifestation of our houses,
The King palace display medal of golds,
We have won the battlefield,
Declaring slavery is banned in place,
But our resources in a word would be replaced”.
“I am the king of the land,
Unavailable for petty talks,
The silence that I urged to come,
Beheaded you, if you interrupt”.
The King continued to speak.
“My name is what the birds sang,
Whoever protested in the kingdom,
Against my unfavorable agreement,
Would be utterly disgraced, shamed, and Named”
Powerless the weak-minded man screams,
“Power to the powerless,
The land we grace, our ancestors save,
My blood, I serve to free our case.
We gave you the power to save our village,
Beheaded me, for less I care,
Our land, our little heaven, is here to stay”.
As the king walked out of his throne,
Thousand of people were silent in shape,
The sound of his foot could be heard.
The King speak,
“My name is what the birds sang,
Within minutes he chopped off the man’s finger.
Whispering in his ears,
The village isn’t afraid, but I will freeze them within minutes”
A beautiful woman appeared in light from a ray of sunlight,
Uniquely dress in a red gown,
Her Majesty walking and tapped the king,
“He’s your son, show some mercy I seek”,
To be continued! In Episode2
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