Poem By Dr. Sulayman Njie
Thinking of independence
of my own lineage
my old man
Of Mam Hara
my Grandpa Madun
of Mam Maget
And Mam Sabel
I think of the passage of time
I think of the folks who we lost along the way
I think of the fleeting concept that’s life, its brevity, its fragility
I think of time, man’s nemesis, eventually taking its toll on all of us
I’m nostalgic, the mind is casting back on when it was a kid
I wonder what the kids do nowadays on Independence Day
I think of Serekunda School, the uniforms, the rehearsals
I think of the “For The Gambias”
I think of the “DK Sabaris”
I think of the colorful costumes
I think of the choreographed marches, the pageantry
I think of the old neighborhood
I think of how helpless, crushing, and dehumanizing poverty is
I think of Ala and Dave trekking the Sahara, braving the waters, staggering into new lands
I think of the old country
I wonder if the old country would ever be truly independent
I wonder what is to become of my people
I’m thinking, I’m wondering
If Independence is just another metaphor,
If it’s just an idea,
If it’s just a journey, not a destination
I’m still wondering, I’m still thinking
Thinking of Independence
— By Sulayman Njie
Dallas, Texas