Probably the youngest officer to ever hold the position of spokesperson of the Gambia Police force, cadet ASP Binta Njie, 32, was appointed as the country’s first woman mouthpiece of the police force on Thursday, August 18, 2022.
The Alkamba Times digs into the archives to know more about this young bright police officer now stirring police communications.
Born on August 20, 1990, at The then RVTH, now Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul, Mrs. Njie holds a BSC in Criminology and Security Studies.
She attended the Nigerian Television College in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria, The Police College in Solna, Sweden, and the National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja.
Cadet ASP Binta Njie holds a Diploma in Mass Communication and underwent programs in Presentation alongside a United Nations Police Officer’s course (UNPOC).
The Gambia’s first female Police PRO also conducted the International Police Officer’s Course (IPOC) with special training on exhumation and evidence preservation by The US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
She previously worked as a Press and communication officer at the Gambia Association of Local Government Authorities (GALGA). She served as deputy PRO Under Police Superintendent David Kujabi, Superintendent Foday Conta, and the most holder of the post, Superintendent Lamin Njie, whom she replaced.
Until her appointment on Thursday, Mrs. Njie worked as a Relief Commander At the Bundung Police Station.